Economy Got You Down?

Let’s face it. This economy is tough! If you are lucky enough to earn some money, you may be tempted to spend on stuff that makes you feel good, because the economy is not helping you feel good, is it? And, add to that, the holiday season that just passed. Have you got the credit card bills yet, or are you avoiding the mail?

You are not alone. According to Google, the unemployment rate, as of December 2011, was 8.5%. Bloomberg tells us it is 8.6% and provides some commentary by various people on the outlook for 2012. Not quite gonna get out of this slump, yet, eh?

Well, you don’t have to sit back and wait for the world to look a little less cloudy. Sites like offer a credit counseling course that may help you, especially if you feel you are facing (or have faced), bankruptcy. Even if you believe you have “heard it all” and already know what to do (Yeah, like stop spending?), there is always more information that you can learn – a tidbit here, a tidbit there, to help you not only improve your financial prowess, but help that sun to come make an appearance from behind the clouds.

About the author: Deborah experienced the thrill ride (ups and downs) of Corporate America, along with the underbelly of greed that sometimes accompanies it. She was the key to unlocking the West Coast Madoff scandal before it caused the level of damage that could have occurred. Out of that experience, comes advice and insights. But, first, download the “Boost Your Energy” ebook (absolutely free!).

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